Validate a NetScaler gateway STA configuration
Test-STFSecureTicketAuthority [-StaConfigurationObject] <IStaServerData> [<CommonParameters>]
Detailed Description¶
Validate a PowerShell object populated with a NetScaler gateway STA configuration.
Related Commands¶
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input |
StaConfigurationObject | A configuration object supporting validation of STA servers. | true | true (ByValue) |
Input Type¶
Parameter StaConfigurationObject: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.NetScalerConfiguration.IStaServerData' reference type
Return Values¶
The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Roaming.NetScalerConfiguration.StaValidationStatus' reference type
Any specified STA servers will be contacted during validation. A Secure Ticket Authority id is used to uniquely identify an STA server used for remote access.
EXAMPLE 1 Validate a NetScaler gateway STA configuration¶
$netscalerConfiguration = Read-STFNetScalerConfiguration –Path C:\NSG\Configuration.zip $stasToUpdate = Test-STFSecureTicketAuthority -StaConfigurationObject $netscalerConfiguration
Returns a list of STA servers with a validation status indicating success or failure including incorrect STA authorities. The STA url provided by NetScaler may not resolve on an internal network so will need updating to a StoreFront local address. The STA authority must match that provided in the NetScaler configuration export.
EXAMPLE 2 Validate a NetScaler gateway STA configuration with incorrect Authority Id¶
$netscalerConfiguration = Read-STFNetScalerConfiguration –Path C:\NSG\Configuration.zip $stasToUpdate = Test-STFSecureTicketAuthority -StaConfigurationObject $netscalerConfiguration
Returns a list of STA servers with a validation status indicating success or failure including incorrect STA authorities. The STA url provided by NetScaler may not resolve on an internal network so will need updating to a StoreFront local address. The STA authority must match that provided in the NetScaler configuration export. The expected output in the example shows both a valid and invalid STA url location. OUTPUT
WARNING: Cannot resolve the Sta server 'http://www.example.com/scripts/ctxsta.dll' to the authority id 'STA0000'. StaUrl : http://www.example.com/scripts/ctxsta.dll ConfigurationStaAuthorityId : STA0000 DetectedStaAuthorityId : STACB1DA97D3546 ResultCode : AuthorityId Mismatch IsValid : False StaUrl : http://xendesktop.company.com/scripts/ctxsta.dll ConfigurationStaAuthorityId : DetectedStaAuthorityId : STA578994219 ResultCode : Success IsValid : True