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Imports a zip file containing configuration elements that form a Citrix StoreFront deployment. This zip file may be unencrypted in the form of a '.zip' file or encrypted in the form of a '.ctxzip'.


Import-STFConfiguration -ConfigurationZip <String> [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-HostBaseUrl <String>] [-SiteId <Int64>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Imports a zip file containing configuration elements that form a Citrix StoreFront deployment. This zip file may be unencrypted in the form of a '.zip' file or encrypted in the form of a '.ctxzip'.


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input
ConfigurationZip The name of the backup archive WITH its correct file extension such as .ctxzip or .zip. true false
Credential A predefined PowerShell credential object containing the same password that was used to export the backup archive. false false
HostBaseUrl Specify if you wish to use a HostBaseURL other than the one contained in the configuration backup you are importing. Mandatory if importing onto a factory default Storefront installation. false true (ByValue)
SiteId (DEPRECATED - The -siteId parameter is deprecated as of StoreFront 3.6 and is no longer required.) The IIS SiteID for the Storefront website. Typically 1. false false

Input Type


Parameter ConfigurationZip: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter Credential: The .NET 'System.Management.Automation.PSCredential' reference type


Parameter HostBaseUrl: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter SiteId: The .NET 'System.Int64' value type

Return Values


EXAMPLE 1 Basic Config Import

Import-STFConfiguration -configurationZip '$env:userprofile\desktop\'


This will import the configuration archive using the host base url and site id from the exported configuration.

EXAMPLE 2 Import Config to Configure an Unconfigured Machine

Import-STFConfiguration -configurationZip '$env:userprofile\desktop\' -hostBaseUrl ''


Using the password supplied in $CredObject this cmdlet will decrypt and import the ConfigBackup.ctxzip backup archive using the host base url and site id from the exported configuration. Example PSCredential: $User = Any non empty string will suffice here. The exported configuration is secured by only using the $Password. $Password = 'Secret' $Password = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force $CredObject = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($User,$Password) Create a PowerShell credential object containing a username and password for symmetric encryption and decryption of configuration backup archives. PowerShell credential objects store passwords as secure strings in memory. The user is irrelevant but mandatory to create a PowerShell credential object. The example code uses the currently logged in user. The password is used for symmetric encryption/decryption of the backup archive. NOTE: The password DOES NOT need to match the user's password to create a valid credential object.