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Creates a new StoreFront Store Service at the supplied IIS VirtualPath and optional SiteId.


Add-STFStoreService [-AuthenticationService] <AuthenticationService> [-VirtualPath] <String> [[-SiteId] <Int64>] [[-FarmName] <String>] [[-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store>] [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-ConnectionString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-STFStoreService [-Anonymous] <SwitchParameter> [-VirtualPath] <String> [[-SiteId] <Int64>] [[-FarmName] <String>] [[-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store>] [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-ConnectionString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

StoreFront stores aggregate desktops and applications, making them available to users. Stores appear in Citrix Receiver under users' accounts, so choose a VirtualPath that gives users information about the content of the store.

Get-STFStoreService Remove-STFStoreService *Set-STFStoreService


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input
VirtualPath The IIS VirtualPath at which the Store will be configured to be accessed by Receivers true false
SiteId The IIS Site to configure the Store Service within false false
AuthenticationService The StoreFront Authentication Service to use for authenticating users true true (ByValue)
Anonymous Anonymous Store not requiring authentication true false
FarmName The Farm name to use for the supplied XenApp\XenDesktop servers false false
FarmType The type of farm being configured for the servers supplied false false
Servers The servers to configure for the initial XenApp\XenDesktop farm false false
ServiceUrls The url to the service location used to provide web and SaaS apps via this farm. false false
Port The XML service port used for communicating with the XenApp\XenDesktop servers false false
TransportType The type of transport to use for the Xml service communication false false
SSLRelayPort The XenApp SSLRelay port used for the XML service. Only applicable to XenApp 6.5 servers and earlier false false
LoadBalance Load balance the servers or use in failover order if specifying more than one false false
AllFailedBypassDuration The period in minutes to wait before retrying communicating will all servers should they all fail. false false
BypassDuration Time period in minutes to bypass a server when resources are unavailable false false
FriendlyName Friendly name to identify the Store false false
Zones List of Zone names associated with the initial XenApp\XenDesktop farm false false
ConnectionString Specify the Sql Server connection string to use for the Subscriptions database false false

Input Type


Parameter VirtualPath: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter SiteId: The .NET 'System.Int64' value type


Parameter AuthenticationService: A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Authentication service


Parameter Anonymous: The .NET 'System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter' value type


Parameter FarmName: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter FarmType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.FarmType' value type


Parameter Servers: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter ServiceUrls: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter Port: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter TransportType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.TransportType' value type


Parameter SSLRelayPort: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter LoadBalance: The .NET 'System.Boolean' value type


Parameter AllFailedBypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter BypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter FriendlyName: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter Zones: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter ConnectionString: The .NET 'System.String' reference type

Return Values


A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Store service


EXAMPLE 1 Create a new Store

Add-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store -AuthenticationService $authenticationService -FarmName "Controller" -FarmType XenApp -Servers xenapp1, xenapp2


Creates a new Store using an existing Authentication Service