Creates a new StoreFront Store Service at the supplied IIS VirtualPath and optional SiteId.
Add-STFStoreService [-AuthenticationService] <AuthenticationService> [-VirtualPath] <String> [[-SiteId] <Int64>] [[-FarmName] <String>] [[-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store>] [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-ConnectionString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Add-STFStoreService [-Anonymous] <SwitchParameter> [-VirtualPath] <String> [[-SiteId] <Int64>] [[-FarmName] <String>] [[-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store>] [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-FriendlyName] <String>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-ConnectionString] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Detailed Description¶
StoreFront stores aggregate desktops and applications, making them available to users. Stores appear in Citrix Receiver under users' accounts, so choose a VirtualPath that gives users information about the content of the store.
Related Commands¶
Get-STFStoreService Remove-STFStoreService *Set-STFStoreService
Name | Description | Required? | Pipeline Input |
VirtualPath | The IIS VirtualPath at which the Store will be configured to be accessed by Receivers | true | false |
SiteId | The IIS Site to configure the Store Service within | false | false |
AuthenticationService | The StoreFront Authentication Service to use for authenticating users | true | true (ByValue) |
Anonymous | Anonymous Store not requiring authentication | true | false |
FarmName | The Farm name to use for the supplied XenApp\XenDesktop servers | false | false |
FarmType | The type of farm being configured for the servers supplied | false | false |
Servers | The servers to configure for the initial XenApp\XenDesktop farm | false | false |
ServiceUrls | The url to the service location used to provide web and SaaS apps via this farm. | false | false |
Port | The XML service port used for communicating with the XenApp\XenDesktop servers | false | false |
TransportType | The type of transport to use for the Xml service communication | false | false |
SSLRelayPort | The XenApp SSLRelay port used for the XML service. Only applicable to XenApp 6.5 servers and earlier | false | false |
LoadBalance | Load balance the servers or use in failover order if specifying more than one | false | false |
AllFailedBypassDuration | The period in minutes to wait before retrying communicating will all servers should they all fail. | false | false |
BypassDuration | Time period in minutes to bypass a server when resources are unavailable | false | false |
FriendlyName | Friendly name to identify the Store | false | false |
Zones | List of Zone names associated with the initial XenApp\XenDesktop farm | false | false |
ConnectionString | Specify the Sql Server connection string to use for the Subscriptions database | false | false |
Input Type¶
Parameter VirtualPath: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter SiteId: The .NET 'System.Int64' value type
Parameter AuthenticationService: A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Authentication service
Parameter Anonymous: The .NET 'System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter' value type
Parameter FarmName: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter FarmType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.FarmType' value type
Parameter Servers: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter ServiceUrls: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter Port: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type
Parameter TransportType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.TransportType' value type
Parameter SSLRelayPort: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type
Parameter LoadBalance: The .NET 'System.Boolean' value type
Parameter AllFailedBypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type
Parameter BypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type
Parameter FriendlyName: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter Zones: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Parameter ConnectionString: The .NET 'System.String' reference type
Return Values¶
A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Store service
EXAMPLE 1 Create a new Store¶
Add-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store -AuthenticationService $authenticationService -FarmName "Controller" -FarmType XenApp -Servers xenapp1, xenapp2
Creates a new Store using an existing Authentication Service