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Add a farm to a Store


Add-STFStoreFarm [-Farm] <Farm> [-StoreService] <StoreService> [[-Product] <String>] [[-RestrictPoPs] <String>] [[-FarmGuid] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-STFStoreFarm [-FarmName] <String> [-FarmType] <XenApp | XenDesktop | AppController | VDIinaBox | Store> [[-Servers] <String[]>] [[-ServiceUrls] <String[]>] [[-Port] <Int32>] [[-TransportType] <HTTP | HTTPS | SSL>] [[-SSLRelayPort] <Int32>] [[-LoadBalance] <Boolean>] [[-AllFailedBypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-BypassDuration] <Int32>] [[-TicketTimeToLive] <Int32>] [[-RadeTicketTimeToLive] <Int32>] [[-MaxFailedServersPerRequest] <Int32>] [[-Zones] <String[]>] [[-PassThru] <SwitchParameter>] [-StoreService] <StoreService> [[-Product] <String>] [[-RestrictPoPs] <String>] [[-FarmGuid] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]

Detailed Description

Add a XenApp \ XenDesktop farm to the specified Store service.

Remove-STFStoreFarm Get-STFStoreFarm


Name Description Required? Pipeline Input
Farm The Farm object to add to the Store service true true (ByValue)
StoreService Store service the farm will be added to true false
FarmName The friendly name of the farm true false
FarmType The type of farm to be added. XenDesktop or XenApp for example true false
Servers The hostnames or IP addresses of the xml services false false
ServiceUrls The url to the service location used to provide web and SaaS apps via this farm. false false
Port Service communication port false false
TransportType Type of transport to use. Http, Https, SSL for example false false
SSLRelayPort The SSL Relay port false false
LoadBalance Round robin load balance the xml service servers false false
AllFailedBypassDuration Period of time to skip all xml service requests should all servers fail to respond false false
BypassDuration Period of time to skip a server when is fails to respond false false
TicketTimeToLive Period of time an ICA launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms false false
RadeTicketTimeToLive Period of time a RADE launch ticket is valid once requested on pre 7.0 XenApp and XenDesktop farms false false
MaxFailedServersPerRequest Maximum number of servers within a single farm that can fail before aborting a request false false
Zones The list of Zone names associated with the farm false false
Product Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. The product name of the farm configured false false
RestrictPoPs Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. Restricts GWaaS traffic to the specified POP false false
FarmGuid Cloud deployments only otherwise ignored. A tag indicating the scope of the farm false false
PassThru The resulting Store service false false

Input Type


Parameter Farm: A .NET class representing the configuration of a Farm in StoreFront Store service


Parameter StoreService: A .NET class representing the configuration of a StoreFront Store service


Parameter FarmName: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter FarmType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.FarmType' value type


Parameter Servers: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter ServiceUrls: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter Port: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter TransportType: The .NET 'Citrix.StoreFront.Model.Store.TransportType' value type


Parameter SSLRelayPort: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter LoadBalance: The .NET 'System.Boolean' value type


Parameter AllFailedBypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter BypassDuration: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter TicketTimeToLive: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter RadeTicketTimeToLive: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter MaxFailedServersPerRequest: The .NET 'System.Int32' value type


Parameter Zones: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter Product: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter RestrictPoPs: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter FarmGuid: The .NET 'System.String' reference type


Parameter PassThru: The .NET 'System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter' value type

Return Values


A .NET class representing the configuration of a Farm in StoreFront Store service


EXAMPLE 1 Add a farm to the only Store service

$store = Get-STFStoreService
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store -FarmName "XenDesktop75" -FarmType XenDesktop -Port 80 -TransportType HTTP -Servers Xen1


Adds the Xen1 XenDesktop server to the XenDesktop75 farm

EXAMPLE 2 Add a farm to the Store service at /Citrix/Store

$store = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store -FarmName "XenDesktop75" -FarmType XenDesktop -Port 80 -TransportType HTTP -Servers Xen1


Adds the Xen1 XenDesktop server to the XenDesktop75 farm

EXAMPLE 3 Copy a farm from the Store service at /Citrix/Store1 to the Store service at /Citrix/Store2

$store1 = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store1
$farm = $store1.FarmsConfiguration.Farms[0]
$store2 = Get-STFStoreService -VirtualPath /Citrix/Store2
Add-STFStoreFarm -StoreService $store2 -Farm $farm


Adds a new farm to $store2 with the same properties as the first farm from $store1. The farm object ($farm) is not changed by this operation.